Superfit Hero Body Positive Fitness Finder Jenny Bruso and Unlikely Hikers

Superfit Hero Body Positive Fitness Finder

The Superfit Hero Body Positive Fitness Finder is a directory of body positive fitness trainers and communities that is searchable by location or activity. Now anyone can find a body positive trainer or fitness community near them.


Diets don't work

We know diets don’t work. Since 1959, a growing body of research has shown that 95 to 98 percent of diets fail and that the majority of dieters gain back more weight than they lost. Still, the majority of the fitness industry remains steeped in diet culture where calorie restriction is encouraged and exercise is prescribed as a punishment for eating. This environment is unwelcoming, demotivating, and unhealthy. The fitness industry as we know it today has effectively robbed most of us of our innate right to joyful movement. 

Reclaim your right to joyful movement

Everyone has access to the benefits of a movement practice - no matter their size or fitness level. New research shows that a more positive approach to fitness motivation has better outcomes for mental and physical health. Weight-neutral fitness programs are more motivating and build more confidence. 

A Body Positive Fitness Revolution

An increasing number of fitness professionals are ditching diet culture in favor of a more body positive approach. Trainers and teachers like Amber Karnes, Roz the Diva, and Bianca Russo (Body Positive Bootcamp) are actively working to make fitness and movement more accessible and inclusive. 

For these programs, fun and community have replaced shame and punishment. Movement is celebrated for how good it feels and for the physical and mental health benefits available to everyone.

Whether you want to try hiking, yoga, weightlifting, or Zumba, we have the trainer for you. Find a Body Positive trainer or fitness community near you!  Get started now>>
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