Each week, we're featuring an online movement class with trainers and coaches from the Body Positive Fitness Finder.
Yoga for Runners: Hips, Back, and IT Band Stretch (16 minutes) by Dianne Bondy is the *perfect* cooldown for runners.
After running, your hamstrings, hips and low back might be tight and tender. Spending 15 minutes on your yoga mat post-run to stretch your hips, back and IT band can make all the difference. This short yoga practice for runners uses simple yoga poses, a few props and an IT band stretch to open up the back body. These hamstring, hip and low back stretches can reduce knee, hip and low back pain while shortening your body's recovery time.
If you enjoy this class and want to continue moving with Dianne, learn more about her online classes here. Dianne is a joyful, mindful movement teacher for a range of movements. She's also a co-creator of Yoga For All teacher training.
***NOTE: We're sharing these weekly workouts for those of you in need of a little home-friendly movement. We never want you to feel pressured to workout. Needing time for rest and recovery is totally valid. Hope you are staying safe and well.***