Workout of the Week by Superfit Hero - Free body positive dance class with Jessie Diaz-Herrera, Curves with Moves

Workout of the Week with Jessie Diaz-Herrera - Free Body Positive Dance Class

Each week, we're featuring an online movement class with trainers and coaches from the Body Positive Fitness Finder.

We're super excited to share this FREE body positive dance class hosted by Jessie Diaz-Herrera! Jessie teaches a fun choreographed routine to "Before I Let Go" performed by Beyoncé.

Jessie's classes are great for anyone to learn in a safe virtual space. Easy-to-follow choreography, great energy and a supportive community in the ultimate body celebration party!

If you enjoy this class and want to continue dancing with Jessie, join her on Patreon for just $5 per class.





***NOTE: We're sharing these weekly workouts for those of you looking for a little home-friendly movements. We never want you to feel pressured to workout and want to remind everyone that needing a rest day/week/month is totally valid. Hope you all are staying safe & well.*** 

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