Photo: Superfit Hero founder Micki Krimmel and Community Manager Kristina Glass smiling together.
TLDR: It’s Small Business Saturday. Shop small to create a better world. 🌎
I’ve been thinking a lot about small business lately and how vital it is to our economy and our communities. If we continue consolidate all our wealth with a few corporations, we are at risk of creating a new feudal society where everything is owned by a few families and the rest of us are fighting for the scraps. Sound crazy?
Did you know Amazon accounts for half of all online shopping? HALF OF ALL ONLINE SHOPPING. ONE COMPANY. The company has also received over $1.5 BILLION in government subsidies. Isn’t that fun?
Did you know Walmart is the world’s largest employer aside from the the US Dept of Defense and China’s People Liberation Army? You’d think they could afford to pay their workers enough to keep them off food stamps. According to a 2015 report, Walmart’s low-wage workers cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance including food stamps, Medicaid and subsidized housing.
It’s easy to pick on these two businesses because they’re in the press so much. But there isn’t a person among us who doesn’t shop with them so it’s worth thinking about. We are all a part of the problem.
THE 400 RICHEST AMERICANS NOW OWN MORE WEALTH THAN THE BOTTOM 150 MILLION. They make up just 0.00025 percent of the population . They own more than 80% of us COMBINED.
It’s incumbent upon those of us with the means and privilege to do so, to support small and medium-sized businesses. Small businesses create jobs, build middle class wealth, and keep our local communities unique. Shop small today and year-round.
🖤Micki Krimmel, founder &CEO