Superfit Hero Sponsored Event: One Love Fits All FREE Online Conference - Oct 14-20, 2019

Superfit Hero Sponsors "One Love Fits All"

Superfit Hero is proud to sponsor the One Love Fits All Free Online Conference from October 14-20, 2019!

One Love Fits All is a fundraising event for Embody Love Movement! It is a free online conference that will feature on-camera conversations with 20 inspiring people - speakers, authors, artists, activists, and advocates (including Superfit Hero sponsored trainer Ilya Parker & sponsored athlete Amanda LaCount) - intended to look at body- and self-acceptance and body liberation through a wide variety of lenses.

When you register for this FREE online conference, you'll receive daily e-mails throughout the week of Oct 14-20 with that day's interviews as well as additional educational and inspirational materials from certified facilitators. At the end, you'll also receive access to a downloadable copy of the entire conference. 

Embody Love Movement is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose vision is to create a world of unconditional love in action. Their mission is to be a resource for all self-identifying girls and women to reclaim beauty on their terms by building self-approval and cultivating compassion for themselves and others.


    Superfit Hero Sponsored Event: One Love Fits All FREE Online Conference - Oct 14-20, 2019


    This conference is free, but as a nonprofit, Embody Love Movement's mission is driven by the generosity of people like YOU. If you'd like to donate to their work, click here.

    Funds raised will specifically go toward:

    • Scholarships for people of and serving systemically marginalized communities to attend our trainings.
    • Funding for experts working at the intersection of social justice and body liberation to provide ongoing education and awareness to our volunteers and facilitators
    • Our “Seed Programs” fund that allows our facilitators to offer programs to underserved communities.
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