Superfit Hero is proud to sponsor Dear Skinny Friend Live!
The popular Instagram show Dear Skinny Friend is coming to you live on January 11, 2020 in Carson, California. By creating a platform for candid conversation, this show tackles the spoken and unspoken biases found in society surrounding women living in larger bodies. Connect with the community and dispel the myths that keep women stuck and unseen- yes, even our skinny friends. Come be seen, heard, and empowered without having to justify your existence. Walk away with more than just new friendships, but also with an understanding of how we are all more alike than different.
Sip, Chat, and Live Out Loud! Dear Skinny Friend Live will be on an evening of drinks and sisterhood, where larger ladies and their Dear Skinny Friends talk about real life ish. No conversation is off-limits: Dating, sex, work, relationships -- all the things no one dares to talk about.