Superfit Hero Sponsored event Anti Diet Riot Fest 2020 in London, UK January 19, 2020

Superfit Hero Sponsors Anti Diet Riot Fest 2020 in London, UK

Superfit Hero is proud to sponsor Anti Diet Riot Fest 2020
in London on Sunday, January 19, 2020!


Every January, millions of people who feel their bodies aren't good enough will embark on ANOTHER diet or exercise regime fuelled by the 'New Year, New You' rhetoric that we've been fed for years. Anti Diet Riot Fest is London's first ever body positive festival fighting back against diets in January.

This event is going to be a full day of inspiring, challenging and creative workshops and talks. From the intersections of body positivity and feminism, racism and identity, self-care, relationships and creativity, the programme is jam-packed with events to keep you informed and nourished in the new year regardless of what you weigh, eat, or look like.

Rather than being preoccupied with shrinking or sculpting your body, Anti Diet Riot Fest is a way for you to focus on your mental health, creativity, wellbeing, and the experience of pleasure instead! This is a better way to start your year. With body justice, pleasure positivity, and radical self-love. This event is hosted by Anti Diet Riot Club.





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