I’m sure you’ve seen it by now. Nike put out a press release about their new plus size mannequin and the fat shamers came out en masse. Most notably, Tanya Gold in the Telegraph article titled “Obese mannequins are selling women a dangerous lie.”
Tanya was clearly triggered by the existence of this plastic body which, in fact, represents the majority of the human population.
“She is immense, gargantuan, vast,” Tanya seethes. “She heaves with fat… She cannot run. She is, more likely, pre-diabetic and on her way to a hip replacement.”
Plus size women are and have always been out here doing the same damn things as everyone else. Running, biking, swimming, and competing. Because brands like Nike have chosen to ignore them until now does not mean they don’t exist! (Welcome, Nike, we've been waiting for you.)
Tanya, I’d like to introduce you to our sponsored athletes.
Sarah Robles is an Olympic Medalist and one of the strongest women on the planet.
Latoya Shauntay Snell has completed over 18 marathons.
Roz "The Diva" Mays is a world renowned pole dancer who lifts and twists her body into shapes I dare anyone to tell me are not athletic.
These athletes represent not only the best in their fields but also the average among us. Because the reality is that Nike’s new mannequin looks like MOST OF US. So accept this news as fact dear Tanya: Plus size athletes exist. And they deserve access to quality fitness gear AND to be represented with respect by the brands that support them.
-Micki Krimmel, Superfit Hero Founder & CEO
(Originally posted on Instagram 6/11/19)