Superfit Hero Body Positive Fitness Trainer Meghan Peters Phat Girl Yoga

Phat Girl Yoga with Meghan Peters

Collingswood, NJ, USA & Online

Meghan Peters is a Vinyasa and Yoga For All teacher who specializes in making yoga accessible to all bodies. Her passion is helping people love and respect the skin they're in. Meghan loves teaching yoga and finds that it brings true meaning to her life. She's navigated the sometimes treacherous road of being fat in the fitness industry and now she uses those trials and tribulations to make the fitness journey's of others a bit easier.

You can practice with Meghan at The Grant Building in New Jersey. And check out her podcast, Fat Girl Hacks, with pals with Nina and Jaime. To practice with Meghan online, get in touch or send her a direct message on Instagram for more info.

Certifications: 200 RYT, Yoga For All Certified

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