Superfit Hero Body Positive Fitness Trainer Kaitlyn Wozniak

Kaitlyn Wozniak

Personal Training & Small Group Fitness
Washington, DC and Northern Virginia, USA

Kaitlyn spent most of her young adult life battling an eating disorder and compulsive exercise. After years of hard work she paired her psychology degree with her newfound appreciation for mindful movement to become a personal trainer. Kaitlyn believes fitness should be accessible to all, that every body should feel welcome in a fitness space and able to have fun with their workouts.

Kaitlyn specializes in Health At Every Size (HAES), body positive female fitness, pre & postnatal fitness, and intuitive eating nutrition coaching.

Certifications: NASM-CPT, Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Pre & Postnatal Certified Trainer, TRX, Kettlebell Level 1 Trainer, Mike Boyle Functional Strength Coach

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